Colorado Avalanche January 2022 Teacher of the Month
Tell us about yourself!
I have been teaching Science at TRMS for 11 years. I have also taught Writing, Social Studies, and I currently also teach Math. I have always taught 6th grade students because we get each others humor. When I was in middle school I started helping to teach dance classes and realized I loved to teach, especially those “ah ha” moments! I love my time with students the most. I help outside of school hours with our fall play and spring musical. It’s so great to see students in various settings and to get to teach dance again.
Who is your favorite NHL® player and why?
I know they’re retired . . . but . . . Peter Forsberg and Joe Sakic. Peter Forsberg once let me stick my foot through his car window so he could sign my shoe since I didn’t have paper. My physical therapist used to work with the avalanche and I saw Joe Sakic coming out of practice and working with my physical therapist, which makes him a little extra special. We got to say hi and he helped donate a stick to an auction for my dance school
What is your favorite part of the Future Goals™program? How do you see STEM in the game of hockey?
I love that students get to see math and science in the real world! You can can only show so many videos and model so many labs. It’s great for students to see, “When will this be used in real life?” I love that there are so many relatable aspects. From laying down and tearing up a basketball court to the correct angle to make a shot. I always see students more engaged when they can see how STEM applies to more than a textbook, tests, or standards.
If you played hockey, what position would you play and why?
Anything but goalie! I’d duck!!!!! Actually . . . Bench Warmer might be the best position for someone not so athletically inclined