Buffalo Sabres Teacher Highlight and Most Valuable Teacher March Nominee!
Kathleen Krull
East Aurora Middle School - East Aurora Schools
Classroom Team:
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I have a passion for learning new things. Becoming a teacher allows me the ability to share that passion. Hopefully, igniting a fire for students to see the joy of becoming a life-long learner.
What has been your most memorable moment as a teacher?
There are so many. For me, when you see a child understand a concept, then apply that concept to something new is so cool to see.
What is your favorite part of Future Goals and how are you using it in your classroom?
As a science teacher, I love the supplemental labs. Students connect with the hands on learning. It allows students to apply their knowledge to other sports as well.
What was your student’s reaction to the program?
Students love Future Goals – Hockey Scholar day. They look forward to each lesson.
Who is your favorite hockey player?
Jack Eichel – He has a passion for the game. He demonstrates leadership skills. He is a great role model for students.