Tampa Bay Lightning Teacher Highlight and Most Valuable Teacher Nominee!
Tampa Bay Lightning Teacher Highlight and Most Valuable Teacher Nominee!
Lindell Austin
LLT Academy South Bay / Hillsborough County
Classroom Team:
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I love to inspire students about the world around them.
What has been your most memorable moment as a teacher?
A memorable moment was when one of my 6th grade girls got an action team together to clean up a canal by our Tampa campus, where I have taught the last 8 years prior to moving to our new campus at South Bay this year. The student had been in my Life Science class and saw debris that was in the canal. She went to the art teacher and we collaborated together to do the initial clean up. We worked with Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful and also installed a water goat. Clean up still happens as a group effort with the Tampa and South Bay campuses, four times a year.
What is your favorite part of Future Goals and how are you using it in your classroom?
Future Goals helps me give them for aspects of Science over what I teach them. They can work at their own pace on their way to the Stanley Cup. It is great that they get to work with their local NHL team. I also like going back to look at their scores and progress. I give incentives for the progress.
What was your student’s reaction to the program?
I think that they like going through the modules and picking up the trophies for each level.
Who is your favorite player?
Tough question: Kucherov, Vasilevskiy and Stamkos are all there. Victor Hedman probably takes the lead. He is not only great at defending against the goal but is able to get in on the scoring and had a phenomenal year.