Los Angeles Kings November 2021 Teacher of the Month
Hicxell Wester
Young Oak Kim Academy; Los Angeles Unified School District
Classroom Team:
Tell us about yourself!
I have been teaching Middle School P.E. in Los Angeles just a couple miles from the Staples center (Go Kings!) near Downtown L.A. for almost 10 years. I started my teaching career in the classroom but quickly discovered that my passion was out on the field. I Love teaching kids health and fitness and now mental wellness through fun physical activity. It makes me happy to make kids happy and to organize activities for them every day where they are laughing and having fun. I think Physical Education is the best subject at school for kids this age.There are so many components to what we do that serve them for life and help shape the people they are becoming. Not only are we working on their personal growth and developing personal habits and mindsets, they also have the opportunity to socialize and collaborate in ways that are not available inside the classroom. I Love teaching PE because it allows me to branch out into other areas at my school. Our department organizes ALL school events that take place on the field including, Culmination Ceremony, Pin & Ribbon Ceremony, our annual “Yokammunity” Open house Showcase, and special events – Korean Council Performance, Premier League Soccer, and more. I am very, very involved in school culture and am on our school’s Instructional Leadership Team, STEAM Leads Team, and Advisory Committee, all of which help shape and create professional development and school-wide initiatives at our school. My latest committee is the school Wellness Team where we plan Wellness breaks and activities. I hate to sound like I’m showing off, but I’ve been nominated for Teacher of the Year twice by two different principals. ^_^ Most importantly of all, I’d have to say that I just truly love my job and enjoy every aspect of it so I strive to be deeply involved in building and shaping our community.
Who is your favorite NHL® player and why?
DUSTIN BROWN – I mean, come on, TWO Stanley Cups!!. What else, – his style, my husband says he’s “scrappy and hard-nosed with the smile to prove it.” He’s played with the same club his whole NHL career, which is AWESOME. He Makes L.A. proud
What is your favorite part of the Future Goals™program? How do you see STEM in the game of hockey?
The Future Goals Program was the First Online program I’ve ever seen that worked for PE AND incorporated legit Core Content Standards into the Curriculum! I’ve always felt in PE that we are constantly trying to Prove that there are Math and Science concepts in what we teach, and it’s been so difficult to demonstrate this. The Future Goals program just lays it out so beautifully. I LOVE how the Future Goals games not only teach the concepts and quizzes the kids but ALSO, has the component of “playing” the little demos. My favorite is the game on Angles – The Pass- the kids really enjoy aiming their shots. STEM is so clearly a component in the game of hockey and whoever created the Future Goals Program has done a brilliant job in demonstrating this.
If you played hockey, what position would you play and why?
I’d play Center because that’s my teaching style! Taking the “face-offs” with my Admins, getting “assists” by moving the puck to my co-workers, setting them up to succeed and shine.