Vancouver Canucks November 2022 Teacher of the Month
Tell us about yourself!
I have been teaching since 2000 and it has taken me across three countries and three provinces. I am currently teaching Grades 5/6. I became a teacher because I enjoy being with children. They make me laugh and I love their mischievousness. In terms of being involved in community, last year our class hosted ‘Stores’. Students upcycled materials and made items out of things like margarine tubs, egg cartons and tins. Items were priced between 50 cents – $5. Our class raised $885. It was donated to LAPS (Langley Animal Protection Services).
What is your favorite part of the Future Goals™program? How do you see STEM in the game of hockey?
I love Future Goals because it ties in beautifully with what I believe in. When I teach, I make a conscious effort to connect learning to the real world. This was exactly the topic of my Inquiry Project (as a teacher) last year. Children buy in to their learning when they see a reason for studying that particular topic. I love the STEM component of Future Goals. I have a group of very athletic and energetic students in my class this year. They were very engaged while playing Paint the Ice. We had just covered coordinate planes while doing Patterns. The program has a lot of neat ways of connecting sports and math.
If you played hockey, what position would you play and why?
I would play defence because I have never enjoyed being front and centre of things. I consider myself dependable. Playing defence would align with my personality – I would be another layer in the game before one can reach the goalie.